
Current Standings


Many of you have reached out regarding 2020 standings. As of today, the official website standings page is still in testing and development with our website company. While we had hoped to have these posted by this time, it is imperative that the information be accurate.

For the remainder of the 2020 season, the standings will be updated each week via an attachment to News Article on the website. Please note there are two attachments, one for guard, and one for percussion/winds.

Please see Section 10 of the 2020 TMA Policy Manual located on the Directors Dashboard for info on how standings are calculated.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at Tristate@tristatemarchingarts.org

2020 Standings Guard

2020 Standings Percussion/Winds

Championships Weekend One Rose Pre Order

Championship Weekend 1 – Ryle Band Boosters are taking pre-orders for roses.  They will have a limited quantity available the day of the event so preorder now to guarantee roses for your performer.


Single roses are $5 each
Three roses for $10
Six roses for $15
One dozen for $30
Colors available to order: Red, Pink, White, Yellow, Orange and Purple


When you preorder please email (danaskulan@gmail.com) and include the following information:


Your name

Performers unit (xxx school)

Quantity ordering

Preferred color Rose



Roses can be pre-ordered by emailing Dana (danaskulan@gmail.com).


Email your order to Dana today.