
Statement from TMA regarding COVID-19

Performer, directors, staff and fans:

TriState Marching Arts is saddened to announce that this weekends shows and both championships weekends have been canceled due to logistical complications related to ongoing public health and safety concerns.
This decision was not an easy one to make.  However, we remain committed to keeping the well-being, and best interests, of our performers at the forefront of all that we do.
Please know that these developments are heartbreaking to the entire TMA family.  Rest assured that we are actively exploring all possibilities related to some sort of ending for the 2020 season.  Whenever possible, we will update you on any developments.

TMA Update Regarding COVID-19

Performers, directors, staff and fans:
The TMA Executive Board met this evening to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the remainder of the 2020 season. Performer and spectator safety is paramount and remains at the center of all discussions.
As of this evening, we are proceeding as scheduled for contests at Pulaski County and Corydon Central.  As the situation remains fluid, we ask that you continue to check your email and our website for any updates. We remain in contact with our hosts for Championships Week One and Week Two and await further information regarding their decisions. 
Please remain patient as we navigate this uncharted territory and work to make the best decisions for everyone involved.
The CDC recommends individuals and families follow everyday preventive measures. These measures include:

•  Stay home when you are sick with respiratory disease symptoms. At the present time, these symptoms are more likely due to influenza or other respiratory viruses than to COVID-19-related virus.

•  Wash your hands and do so frequently especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. Use regular soap and water and sing Happy Birthday (to yourself) while you wash. This will take approximately 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available/convenient, use an alcohol-based gel in its place. To be effective, the alcohol content should be 60% or higher.

•  Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands and avoid close contact with people who are displaying symptoms.

•  When leaving the restroom, use a paper towel or tissue when reaching for the door handle. Dispose of immediately.

•  When you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth AND nose with a tissue. Dispose of the tissue immediately and wash your hands or use hand sanitizer with >60% alcohol content. If a tissue is not available, sneeze or cough into a flexed elbow.

•  When talking with people, keep some distance. Keep at least one arms distance between you and other people, especially if they are sneezing and/or coughing.

•  Eat smart to maintain your strength.

•  Sleep is important – plan your schedules accordingly.

•  Routinely clean frequently touched surfaces and objects such as performance equipment, instruments, props, and tarps with sanitizing wipes.

•  Avoid handshakes or hugs. Consider a head nod or elbow bump (not a fist bump).hanks,

Doug Wash
TMA Board of Directors – President

Current Standings


Many of you have reached out regarding 2020 standings. As of today, the official website standings page is still in testing and development with our website company. While we had hoped to have these posted by this time, it is imperative that the information be accurate.

For the remainder of the 2020 season, the standings will be updated each week via an attachment to News Article on the website. Please note there are two attachments, one for guard, and one for percussion/winds.

Please see Section 10 of the 2020 TMA Policy Manual located on the Directors Dashboard for info on how standings are calculated.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at Tristate@tristatemarchingarts.org

2020 Standings Guard

2020 Standings Percussion/Winds

Championships Weekend One Rose Pre Order

Championship Weekend 1 – Ryle Band Boosters are taking pre-orders for roses.  They will have a limited quantity available the day of the event so preorder now to guarantee roses for your performer.


Single roses are $5 each
Three roses for $10
Six roses for $15
One dozen for $30
Colors available to order: Red, Pink, White, Yellow, Orange and Purple


When you preorder please email (danaskulan@gmail.com) and include the following information:


Your name

Performers unit (xxx school)

Quantity ordering

Preferred color Rose



Roses can be pre-ordered by emailing Dana (danaskulan@gmail.com).


Email your order to Dana today.