
GRC Schedules and Location Change

Directors and Staff,
George Rogers Clark schedules are posted.
Currently guard and percussion/winds have separate schedules and links.
You will see 4 links under the Schedule section for the event.
Guard schedule links:
Percussion/Winds schedule links:
Also please note the location change to:

 Robert D Campbell Junior High School (Old GRC HS)
620 Boone Ave

Winchester KY 40391
Should you have any questions, please contact me at tristate@tristatemarchingarts.org

Waynesville Schedules Now Available

Directors and Staff,

Waynesville schedules are now posted.

With the new website, you will see 2 links under the “Schedules” section for the event. The performance time only schedule and the logistical schedule links are both found here.

Should you have any questions, please contact us at Tristate@Tristatemarchingarts.org